Reasons to know how AI & Chatbots are Taking Over Customer Service- Mobile App Development

Fueled by Artificial Intelligence, Customer Service is now drastically changing. You must have happened to call any company with queries about your order or any other thing. Chances are there you interacted with a robot instead of human. The technology is immensely helping businesses as it has changed the way customer service is provided and it has opened the door for the continued growth of the business. If you are planning to get an app developed for your organization then approaching the top mobile app development company in India would be an ideal choice as they can help you with chatbots integration within the app that will be a great assistance for you to attain the targeted audience’s attention in a grand manner.

Unititled-11Chatbots have become more like a necessity for communicating with customers in real time. Here are few reasons to know what is driving the growth of chatbots.

Prioritizing the User-Experience:

Phone support according to the customized need? Yes, you read that right.

Customers not only expect 24/7 support, but they expect that support to be made available according to their specific needs. With chatbots, there has been a push in the user-experience.

Advances in Artificial Intelligence:

With AI Companies can now predict the needs of their customer’s need based on their order history and also the most browsed product or services. Such AI advances are enabling powerful new bots that seem to know your customers better than your closest relative.

Customers spending less time on Social Media:

Social Media has always been the best platform where people can easily communicate and come up with their issues regarding any product and most of their time is occupied with the messaging apps. That is why chatbots have come into action for voice recognition’ needs and take on humans.

Chatbots can understand multiple languages and accents:

Being a robot, it doesn’t only have the capability of speaking in multiple languages but it is capable of understanding them on automated calls. This is especially important when it comes to massive companies that have a global reach

These are some of the points of chatbots in relation to customer service. The rising popularity of chatbots has been witnessed last year and will continue to take over in the year 2018.  It’s the ability of consistent learning which allows the businesses to leverage relevant data to truly relate to specific customers.

To know more about mobile app development services, write to us at You can also connect with us on Skype (ID- infiCare5).

1 Comment

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