What users really want from Mobile Apps?

One thing is very sure and it is applicable to almost every one of us. Before we enjoy the cup of coffee every morning, chances are there that we mostly turn on to a mobile app to start the day. Now, this could be an app either to help you find your way to the meeting, logging your fitness routine, or managing your finance in the budgeting app.

inficare_213_twitterAs mobile apps are now an integral part of our daily micro-moments, it has become a must for every business to have their presence on mobile phones as well. They are a powerful tool for brands to build deeper relationships with their target audience and existing customers. So which platform are you planning to get your app developed? Whether you’ll go for android or iOS app design?  No matter what platform you choose for your business one thing that you must be sure of is- what your users really want from your app? In this blog, we’ll dig deeper into the expectations of the users-

Users expect a personalized experience

An app should be developed in such way that is capable to let the user adapt the functionality in a convenient way. In the sense, the content and the features should be provided in the app that matches the interests, needs, or habits of the respective users. If the user isn’t interested in any content, then provide an option by which they will have the authority to remove it.

For users, app appearance matters a lot

There are many mobile apps in the app store that are magnificent but never really grabbed the attention of the users- the reason could be poor appearance. By this I mean, that your users want something which has great functionality, features and they find it appealing. So it’s always good to look for best Mobile app development company who would take care of the color scheme, content placing, icon and every other detail which would turn your app into a visual appeal.

Users want location-based real-time information

Not everywhere your user would go, will open up the search engine to get the information. The app should be location-based, in order to let your users get the real-time information without any problem.

For instance, when your user walks into your store, the app would automatically update the store inventory, product reviews, and a price comparison. This would help them get a better app and shopping experience.

Another great example is ‘STARBUCKS’. The app ‘notices’ when the user enters a store, bringing up loyalty cards, applying discounts, and even allowing visitors to pay through the app. This is really time-saving and exciting.

Your users want to communicate freely (chat)

AI and Chatbots have already made the business perform in the best way when compared to few years back. It’s important to have an inbuilt chat feature in the mobile app that allows the users to chat 24/7.  It makes sense. With chatbots, users are getting a revamped user interface that works faster and allows something that wasn’t possible earlier. Today, because of chatbots, using an app has become like chatting with a friend. It makes the apps faster, intuitive, and utterly personalized.

So with this, I wrap it up, but most importantly before getting an app developed, it’s important to keep in mind- what your users want from the mobile app! Approach the best mobile app development company who would help you do research, planning, find out what your competitors lack in and above all are good expertise in Android App Development Services as well as iOS app development to develop a mobile app fitting the requirements of their end users.

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