Tips to Enhance Mobile App Design by Improving Its UI/UX design

What is that one thing that can satisfy your mobile app users? It is the look and feel of the app.  By this, we mean how the app is designed and how well does it function. People like to use apps that are sleek, intuitive and designed with simplicity and not complexity.

If your mobile app’s UI is confusing or difficult for people to use,  you could be losing a huge percentage of your target audience. So try revamping it by approaching the best mobile app development company who would help you bring life in the app.

It is the UI design that plays a vital role in keeping users comfortable and happy with your mobile app. An excellent UI combined with the right value proposition and easy to function without much clicks or zoom-in and zoom-out will keep users coming back for more whereas a bad UI will annoy your target audience.


Today our mobile app development experts have brought up some of the handy tips that can help enhance the mobile app design that best speaks and explains your business by itself.

Focusing on the interaction design

Without sketching and designing the layout of how the app is going to be, the development doesn’t take place. Apps with amazing interaction design are simple to use that your target audience would love it. With years of experience, patience and in-depth understanding of user psychology, we have developed a number of mobile apps by keeping the designs and functionality easy to use so that the users don’t have to follow the long tutorials or a lengthy piece of information which might turn off your audience.

Designing a unique app icon

What color should my app icon be? Will it stand out from the rest of the icons that are in the app store? Do I need to place the business name inside the app icons? Is a simple logo good enough?

These are some of the questions which everybody goes through before getting an app developed for their business. If you too are tangled in these many questions, don’t worry as a good and renowned mobile app development company will not only get the app developed but will assist you right from the scratch (starting from the icons till launching the app.) Today Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter icons are recognizable by people across the globe. Our UI designers ensure that your app icon comes up with an excellent design that can best reflect your business.

Makin the buttons responsive or easily clickable

Taking a step forward of getting the app developed comes with a lot of things which shouldn’t be ignored.

The app should be finger-friendly that runs flawlessly on different devices and screen sizes. Our team of mobile app developers adheres to the UI guidelines prescribed for mobile applications that have certain norms for buttons, menus and other things that are essential to be shown in your app.

Other than these points, there are few more that are considered before the app development takes place. Keeping the app concise, this means not to overload it with content but focus on the visual elements such as the color and font style and size used in the app.

In short, designing an app goes through a process and our expert team of UI and UX at infiCare has created many iOS and Android apps which has helped our clients in meeting their business goals and objectives. If you are looking for the Mobility Solutions or any related queries, drop us an e-mail at You can also connect with us on Skype (ID- infiCare5)

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