Why Every Business Needs an Android Application- InfiCare

The global business scenario has changed and new methods are implemented to increase the sales. Today, mobile is the preferred route for the business to embark their presence in the society.  Applications are the best way to keep the customers engaged with the product and being the best android app development company in India and USA, we know how important it is for any business to own an application.

According to a study, Google’s Android OS captured 97% share of the smartphone market in India and this reveals Android OS’ popularity in India.


Today we are going to talk about why as a business owner you must invest in the Android app. Let’s take a look at the below points-

Android apps have huge market

Android powers more than 81% of all smartphones worldwide and that’s enough to know how Android apps have extensive reach and penetration in markets place. This is one of the reasons why businesses should aim to target this wide user base need to invest in Android apps.

Low Barrier to Entry

In building Android apps there is a low barrier to entry and this makes the android apps a perfect entry for businesses investing in the app for the first time. All the more, Android is an open source platform which means it is royalty-free and isn’t restricted to just the Android Market.

Powerful Marketing Tool

People are spending nearly 79% of their day in using their mobile phones.  They are reaching out to apps for various reasons. When people are spending so much of their time on apps, it makes sense to create your business’s presence through apps and reach the target audience and prospects through their favored channel. Give it a try!

Extremely Customizable

When we bring the flexibility and customization into consideration Android apps score higher over the others. It offers distinct frameworks that adapt to different screen sizes and make user’s interaction smooth and seamless. 

InfiCare develops successful android apps that speak for your business and lets you stand superior from the competitors. Hundreds of app are launched daily on Google play store, so why should your business stay behind. Your app needs cutting-edge tools, excellent coding, and interactive user interface to get featured among the top businesses in the world. This could only be made possible by top android app development companies with skilled developers having complete domain knowledge and coding expertise. We have developed android apps that stood outstanding and successful for us as well as our clients.

Know more about android application development services and the how the marketing strategy can boost your business.  Reach our expert at managers@infiCaretech.com for app consultation. You can also connect with us on Skype (ID- infiCare5)

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